Atomic Habits

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
8 minute

What in the world are “Atomic Habits?” How did the UK cycling team go in five short years from a hundred year history of failure – they were so bad some equipment manufacturers wouldn’t even sell to them so as not to be associated with losers! – to completely and utterly dominating the sport of cycling? Why do we have habits anyway, and how much of our daily behavior is habit v. conscious choice? The answer will surprise you.

Tune in this week as Wayne discusses James Clear’s amazing book and shares, among other things, the Two Minute Rule for transforming vague aspirations into actionable, sustainable habits.

You have the opportunity to get your high potential people into FOUR Contractor Business Boot Camps coming up this year in Dallas, Denver, Toronto, and Raleigh! Sign up your NextGen leaders today! Contact Charlotte at for more information.

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