Benjamin Franklin’s Junto

 Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
5 minutes

A Junto is defined as “a political grouping or faction,” and that’s somewhat the entity that Ben Franklin created along with eleven other prominent Philadelphians in the eighteenth century. However, Franklin’s group was apolitical and was a club for the mutual improvement of selves, businesses, and communities. Franklin’s club had nine insightful, impactful questions they regularly asked each other, and the questions very much retain their relevance in the present day.

Please tune in this week as Wayne reveals the nine questions, discusses the rise of today’s “Ben Franklin Circles,” and talks about another modern day iteration of the Junto. What do you think? Are mutual improvement societies as valuable today as they were in 1727? Please share with us in the comments.

The last Contractor Business Boot Camp class of 2023 starts next week in Raleigh. You can still enroll your rising leaders to this one-of-a-kind career development program where they will get an opportunity to learn the skills for running a successful construction company from industry experts and peers alike. Three new Boot Camp classes are starting in 2024 – Feb 22 in Dallas, April 11 in Raleigh and August 8 in Denver. Enroll your high-potential leaders today before you run out of time (and we run out of seats!). Contact Charlotte at for more information.

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