“Change Is Fragile, and It Must Be Protected”

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
7 minutes

Wayne heard the dramatic statement “change is fragile, and it must be protected” at a Family Firm Institute conference over 20 years ago, it resonated with him, and it stuck in his brain permanently. Why are changes so hard to make? And why are they even harder to sustain?

Tune in this week as Wayne refers to The Change Model and tries to explain how you can use the model to initiate and sustain necessary changes in your organization. As always, we welcome your comments.

Fall session of The Contractor Business Boot Camp is full. If you missed the chance to enroll your high potential nextgen leaders to this one-of-a-kind transformational leadership development program, contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com now to put them on the waitlist for Spring 2022 session. Stay tuned – we will be announcing the dates soon.

P.S. – Click here to download The Change Model

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