Dispute Resolution is Critically Important in Construction

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
11 minutes

No contractor wants to end up in the headlines because of a dispute over a project gone bad. And yet Dennis found three separate instances in one week where parties had disputed over various contractual provisions. No one wins when disagreements over contracts end up as matters of law.

Please tune in this week as Dennis emphasizes the importance actually READING YOUR CONTRACTS, educating your PMs and field teams on the basics of construction law, and offers guidance for how to stay away from litigation as a means of dispute resolution. What has helped you avoid the legal system? Please share with us in the comments.

Seats are almost full for the last Contractor Business Boot Camp class of 2023. The class starts on Nov 9 in Raleigh. Give your rising NextGen leaders the opportunity to learn the business of running a successful construction company from industry experts and peers alike. Enroll them to this one-of-a-kind leadership development program NOW! The next cohort starts on Feb 22, 2024 in Dallas, TX. Contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.

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