It’s a New Year! Now What Do I Do?

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
7 minutes

High achieving contractors tend to be very hard on themselves – their own harshest critics you might say. We tend to dwell on our failures or shortcomings of last year in efforts to learn and challenge ourselves to be better contractors. But is this the right way to begin a new year?

Please tune in this week as Wayne gives you a dramatically different perspective along with four tips for getting your year off to a fast start with only a precious few high impact objectives. We’d like to hear about your successful (or unsuccessful, perhaps) planning routines for getting a new year off with a bang. Please share with us in the comments section. Thank you.

Our March and April Contractor Business Boot Camp classes are already booking seats – in fact, the Denver class is almost full! Please enroll your high potential future leaders so they can learn the business of construction. The Raleigh class is March 24-25, 2022, and the Denver class is April 28-29, 2022. Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

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