Six Leadership Lessons from Ted Lasso

Wayne rivers
By Wayne rivers
10 minutes

Happy Valentine’s Day! Ted Lasso is an award winning, hugely successful streaming phenomenon. It chronicles the adventures of a retired American football coach who gets hired to manage an English Premier League soccer team (spoiler alert: he was totally set up to fail). In spite of his many trials and tribulations, Lasso’s dogged optimism, persistence, and sense of perspective allows him to (another spoiler alert) triumph in the end.

Please tune in this week as Wayne expands on a short post from Stan Halliday of Travelers and offers six timeless leadership lessons from Ted Lasso. Have you seen the series? What lessons did you take away? Please share with us in the comments.

We are down to the final few seats for the upcoming class of The Contractor Business Boot Camp. If you haven’t yet enrolled your high-potential NextGen leaders to this career development program, do it NOW! The class begins on Feb 22 in Dallas, TX. Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

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