The Specifics of TRUST in Construction

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
10 minutes

Did you know that there is a fair bit of research and literature about trust specific to the construction industry? We didn’t, but turns out this is the case! Without trust, the industry could get nothing done – even the laws and contracts (safety nets) you rely on when trust is damaged are built on trust in those very institutions.

Please tune in this week as Wayne gives you a construction-specific definition of trust, offers the five behaviors that build trust, and shares four tips on what you must do when you lose trust. What’s your experience? How have you successfully built trust relationships both inside and outside of your business? And what has been your experience when there is a trust breach? Is a loss of trust fixable? Please share with us in the comments.

Now is the time to equip your rising leaders with the strategic mindset necessary to steer the construction business towards sustainable growth amidst evolving market dynamics. Enroll them in The Contractor Business Boot Camp, one-of-a-kind leadership development program where they will get an opportunity to learn the business of construction from industry experts and peers alike. The next class begins in August in Denver. Contact Charlotte today at to find out more.

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