Why Do People Constantly Look in the Rear View Mirror?

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
6 minutes

In presentations, we often ask the audience, “How many of you got into construction because you wanted to manage people?” You can guess the answer, right? The fact remains, however, that as you move up the ladder in this industry, your success less and less depends on the tasks you do and more and more on how you can inspire greater quantities of discretionary effort from those around you.

Please tune in this week as Wayne relates an incredibly powerful analogy from Senior FBI Consultant Doug McCright and what it means for strong-willed people dealing with other strong-willed people in the fast paced construction environment. We’d like to hear what similar types of analogies have worked for you in the context of your business. Please share with us in the comments section below.

With all the disturbing news about “The Great Resignation” swirling about, what can you do to demonstrate care and concern for your employees? Invest in their futures (and yours!) by enrolling them in The Contractor Business Boot Camp. Our next class is in Dallas Nov. 3-4, 2022. Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information. 

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