13 Characteristics of “High Agency” Leaders

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
6 minutes

What is “high agency?” And why would we want it in our future leaders? Writers Brett and Kate McKay define agency as “To act, instead of being acted upon,” and they produced a provocative article defining the desirable characteristics possessed by the top 0.5% to 1.0% of leaders – the kind of go-getters that make meaningful differences in companies and among people, the kind of people for whom you’re looking to take your construction firm to new heights.

Please tune in this week as Wayne reviews their article, tries to define “anthropomaximology,” and walks through the 13 characteristics high agency people demonstrate. What have you experienced? What characteristics do you think the authors left out? Please share with us in the comments.

In an era where leadership and expertise are the keystones of success, the need for nurturing future leaders in the construction industry has never been more critical. At our Contractor Business Boot Camp, we’re committed to helping emerging leaders and smaller construction firms sharpen their leadership, financial, and business development skills, empowering them to conquer the challenges of tomorrow. A new class starts in Dallas in March 2025. Contact Charlotte at ckopp3@performanceconstruction.com to find out how to enroll your rising leaders to this one-of-a-kind leadership development program.

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