13 Steps to a Powerful Executive Succession

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
11 minutes

If it is worth saying once, it is worth saying a thousand times: PEOPLE DECISIONS ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISIONS YOU MAKE! Most contractors view executive leadership succession as an informal process that will organically resolve itself over a period of time. Why take such a lackadaisical, passive view? If your projects require intensive management, doesn’t it make sense that your leadership and management succession plans do too?

Tune in this week as Wayne lays out the three distinct stages and 13 discrete steps for getting this all-important process done correctly and thoroughly. And be sure to register your high potential NextGens for our one-of-a-kind The Contractor Business Boot Camp scheduled for Jan. 27, 2022 in Raleigh. Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for all the details.

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