A Real Life Story of How MISSION Moved the Needle

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
6 minutes

How about this assignment? Your boss tells you that he wants you to take over a troubled project with the following characteristics: multi-billion dollar project with a multi-year schedule, extremely visible and high profile, a joint venture between two industry giants, and the troubles began almost from the get-go. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Where would you even begin on a crazy complicated assignment like this?

Please tune in this week as Wayne relates exactly how a friend of his set out to turn around this mess of a project – successfully so far. It’s a true life story of starting with big picture first principles and percolating the mission, vision, and values across the people and teams involved. What is your reaction? Is this nebulous consultant thing about missions and visions a bunch of malarkey, or is there something to it? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments.

We are down to the last few seats for the upcoming class of The Contractor Business Boot Camp that starts on August 8 in Denver. This is your chance to invest in your high potential leaders and give them the opportunity to learn the skills needed to run a successful construction business. Contact Charlotte today at ckopp3@performanceconstruction.com to find out more.

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