Be Mindful of Your Words

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
7 minute

A member in Texas didn’t quite understand from where the confusion was coming. He had turned over management to his son and very capable management team, but his casual, even offhand comments created quite a stir. People jumped to take action on the founder’s comments even when they’d been directed otherwise by their bosses. What was going on?

Please tune in this week as Wayne relates the story of King Henry II and Thomas Becket (from the year 1170 no less!) and why you, especially as a senior leader, must choose your words carefully indeed when around employees who don’t know you very well. Please share with us in the comments whether you have experienced similar “10x power” words in your organization and what you did to limit “direction via indirection.”

2023 Boot Camp cities and dates are now available! The Contractor Business Boot Camp will take place in Dallas on May 11-12, Denver on August 10-11, Toronto on October 5-6 and Raleigh on November 9-10. Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

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