Carroll Shelby: “Always Think How Grateful You Should Be”

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
8 minutes

The box office smash Ford v. Ferrari is a terrific movie highlighting the amazing success of the American race driver turned entrepreneur Carroll Shelby. Doing a little research into Shelby led to a documentary on his life which concluded with his philosophy “always think how grateful you should be.” That got the wheels turning about GRATITUDE.

Please tune in this week as Wayne outlines seven proven benefits of expressing gratitude and how you might engender more of it in yourself and your team. Please let us hear about your gratitude experiences in the comments section. Thank you.

P.S. – Please join Dennis Engelbrecht and Wayne Rivers for an exclusive one-hour webinar on Five Things That Could Go Wrong – and How To Prevent Them. Click here to register.
Date – Wed, June 17th
Time – 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM ET

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