Doing Things the Right Way

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
8 minutes

Construction is, for the most part, a pride-filled world (and we mean pride in a good, healthy sense, of course). When there is tangible proof of the contributions you and your team make to your communities, that lends itself to a healthy culture of proud accomplishments.

Please tune in this week as Dennis revisits the concept a having a prideful culture and offers five tips for instilling or re-instilling pride in your workforce. What innovations have you employed to increase your organization’s pride? What would you add to Dennis’ list? Please share with us in the comments.

Seats are almost full for the last Contractor Business Boot Camp class of 2023. The class starts on Nov 9 in Raleigh. Invest in your rising high-potential leaders. Enroll them to this life changing career development program TODAY. Interested but cannot make it to the Nov class? We’ve got you covered. Two new classes are starting soon. We will come to Dallas in Feb and Raleigh in April 2024. Contact Charlotte at today to find out more about the program.

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