Exciting Announcement!

In April we delivered our very first classroom-style learning experience for NextGen construction leaders who are looking to develop their capabilities in leadership, people management, construction finance, business development, and many other areas. The participants came away with new insights, skills, and relationships, and their testimonials were amazing!
Today, we are excited to announce our next Contractor Business Boot Camp class. They will meet on Thursday evening, September 26 for a social gathering followed by fast paced, interactive classes with Mike Flentje and Dennis Engelbrecht on Friday and Saturday 9-27 through 9-28.
This could be the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to help develop your high potential NextGen leaders and, ultimately, your business as a whole. To learn more about The Contractor Business Boot Camp, please contact Charlotte Kopp at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com and put “Boot Camp” in the subject line.
Hello, everyone. This is Wayne Rivers at The Family Business Institute. Thanks for tuning in.
We're really excited. We have an exciting announcement this week. We are announcing our second Contractor Business
Boot Camp class, and I guess the reason I'm so excited is because, frankly, when we talked to you about this in the winter
last year, we really didn't know if it was going to be a success. We've done one on one consulting and peer group consulting
and we know we can do these things. This was our first attempt at a classroom learning experience, and I have to tell you
it went actually a little bit better, well, quite a lot better, than I had anticipated. I was a little worried. So, the new boot
camp cohort will begin Thursday, September 26. Come in for dinner and drinks that night. All day, we'll work on Friday, all
day Saturday, free to go home Saturday evening.
The first class was wonderful. Some of the comments that we got from Scott Ludwick at Harbinger Concrete, "I believe
the value provided in this program versus other educational or seminar style programs I've been to in the past was the
level of engagement of the participants. Instead of being force fed a days’ worth of information, and then forced into
some uncomfortable group exercise, we engaged in discussion during the presentation, and frequently after one or two
activities, your table became your peers. I learned as much in engaging in discussion with my peers as I did from the
classroom instruction."
From Garrett Wright at Wright Construction Western in Canada, "I really enjoyed how open and vulnerable people were
to be at these group meetings, since most people didn't come in knowing each other. It did a lot to spark thoughtful and
deep conversations that will be hard to engage in with acquaintances that you're more familiar with."
Eric Helitzer from Grycon in Dania Beach, Florida, "The business boot camp helped me understand some of the leadership
and management challenges that get overlooked on a daily basis. Peer to peer discussions, interactions throughout the
event provided valuable knowledge that's tough to find in this industry," and there's more.
Now, what does boot camp cover? What are you in for here? Leadership and management concepts, construction business
operations - I and II, the people dimension of the construction business, because construction will always be a people
business, business development, construction business finance, executive leadership, and then strategic business planning
for contractors. This program is not about pouring footings, or bending conduit, or rooftop safety. This is about the
business of contracting. We can't teach you today the day to day stuff you're already learning, you already know that more
than we could ever teach you. This is about the business of running a construction business. It is for rising high potential
leaders in your organization, high potential minority contractors with whom you work, and also smaller contractors that
are trying to get to that next level, but don't really qualify for our peer group offerings or something like that.
Those are the people we're looking for. Click on the link below (https://www.familybusinessinstitute.com/contractorbusiness-boot-camp/). You can speak with Charlotte Kopp (Email her – ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com) in our
organization and she can send you a great deal more information about boot camp, and if it looks like something right for
you, sign up and believe me, you will not be disappointed.
This is Wayne Rivers at The Family Business Institute. Charlotte and I look forward to hearing from you. Goodbye.