Fight or Flight: How Stone Age Emotional Reactions Hinder Your Business Success

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
9 minutes

At a genetic level, the human fight or flight response is what helped keep us safe in the very dangerous world of our remote ancestors. While the world may occasionally be dangerous today, the typical construction office or job site wouldn’t normally leap to mind as a place where fight or flight responses would materialize. And yet that’s exactly what happens in times of high stress or emotion.

Please watch this week as Wayne explores this perfectly natural human behavior and explains how high stress fight or flight responses might be holding your company back. He also prescribes five techniques for getting control of high stress situations, and construction is a high stress business to say the least! What techniques work for you and your teams to keep cool heads and optimize interactions? Please share with us in the comments section.

The next Contractor Business Boot Camp class will be in Raleigh Feb. 9-10, 2023. Don’t get left out! Contact Charlotte now at and get on the roster before the class is full!

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