Goals vs. Forecast

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
11 minutes

What’s the difference between a goal and a forecast? What goes into good goal setting, and what’s the purpose? As for forecasting, what’s the definition, why do contractors need robust forecasting capabilities, and what is the purpose?

Please tune in this week as Dennis explains how some contractors confuse goal setting and forecasting, defines both, and provides best practices tips to make sure you’re utilizing both in a productive and complementary manner. And let us know in the comments section how you distinguish between and use both to the benefit of your business.

The November Contractor Business Boot Camp class is at 100% capacity. If you’d like to join the wait list, please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com. If you want to make sure there is space available in our next class, sign up EARLY! We’ll meet Feb. 8-9, 2023 in Raleigh. Charlotte can supply you with all the information you need to enroll.

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