Gratitude As a Strategic Advantage

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
8 minutes

You’re not going to believe the documented statistics about gratitude! Demonstrating genuine gratitude is a real competitive advantage especially in construction where butt-kicking has traditionally been the norm. And it’s not just for senior leaders; there is no reason that everyone on your team cannot be an engine of appreciation and kindness.

Please tune in this week as Wayne reviews some mind-blowing numbers and offers eight tips for how to express genuine gratitude – not just because it’s a competitive advantage but because it’s the right thing to do! We’d like to hear what you’re doing to make your workplaces better and more welcoming. Please share in the comments below. Thanks.

Our March and April Contractor Business Boot Camp classes are already booking seats – in fact, the Denver class is almost full! Please enroll your high potential future leaders so they can learn the business of construction. The Raleigh class is March 24-25, 2022, and the Denver class is April 28-29, 2022. Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

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