Just How Obsessed Are WE with Screens, And What Do We Do About It?

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
10 minutes

The statistics on “screen time” in America that Wayne found in a peer group member’s blog post will blow your mind! Is it even possible that we have given over so much of our lives to unintentionally going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole playing electronic games, surfing videos, or browsing social media? How did this happen, and, more importantly, what do we do about it?

Tune in this week as Wayne outlines some stats created by Rob Krecak after four years of research, describes what Krecak sees as the single “biggest threat to humanity,” and offers four tips that you can use personally and professionally to climb out of the screen time trap. What is working for you at home and at work? Please share with us in the comments section.

The last Contractor Business Boot Camp class for 2023 starts in Raleigh on Nov 9. Give your rising NextGen leaders the opportunity to learn the business of construction and the key leadership skills they will need to successfully perform their jobs tomorrow. There will never be a better time to invest in their future. Contact Charlotte today at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.

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