Seven Qualities of Credible People

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
7 minute

To be successful, any leader must be credible. But what does credibility even mean? It’s simple: credible leaders are believable and trustworthy. The annual Edelman Trust Barometer survey indicates that the ONLY institution trusted globally in our turbulent times is BUSINESS – especially small business. Credibility might seem an easy attribute to have, but, at least according to Edelman, it is in very short supply these days.

Tune in this week as Wayne offers seven qualities of credible people and wraps up with a bit of wisdom from the great Dan Sullivan. What works – or has failed to work – in your experience? Perhaps you have worked for bosses in the past that weren’t credible at all or somehow lost their credibility. Please share your experiences with us in the comments.

Invest in your high-potential rising NextGen leaders today so they are prepared to run the business when the times comes. Enroll them to FBI’s one-of-a-kind leadership development program, The Contractor Business Boot Camp, where they will learn the business of construction and the key leadership skills they will need to perform their jobs. Please contact Charlotte at for more information about the Denver class starting in August.

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