Spring Cleaning And a Life Lesson

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
6 minutes

Wayne and his wife Lisa were cleaning up a boat together this spring, and she offered a labor-saving idea which Wayne rejected out of hand. No, this isn’t a soap opera story of a marital dispute, but it does beg the question: What does cleaning a boat on a sunny, muggy day have to do with construction and business?

Please tune in this week as Wayne uses a tale of spring cleaning to springboard into a call he had to make with a member asking for help. Did he make the right choice? Or was his decision a raw deal for the contractor? What do you think? Please share your viewpoint with us in the comments.

Seats are filling up fast for the 2024 Contractor Business Boot Camp classes scheduled on Feb 22-23 in Dallas, April 11-12 in Raleigh and August 8-9 in Denver. Give your rising leaders the opportunity to learn the business of construction and the key leadership skills they will need to successfully perform their jobs tomorrow. Enroll them to the program today! Contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.

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