
Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
10 minutes

The U.S. national basketball team gathered some the very best professional players together to compete in an international tournament. These were some of the best athletes in the history of the sport; the talent on this team was absolutely the best among the competing nations. So the USA won the tournament easily, correct? NOT! How could such a super-talented team lose? Answer: they didn’t have TEAMWORK.

Please tune in this week as Dennis translates the USA basketball team experience into the world of construction. Where does teamwork come into play in construction, and what is the impact of excellent versus poor teamwork? What tips do you have for improving chemistry and teamwork in your organization? Please share with us in the comments section.

We are down to the final couple of seats for the last Contractor Business Boot Camp class of 2023. The class starts on Nov 9 in Raleigh. If you haven’t yet enrolled your high-potential leaders to this program, do it NOW! Give your rising leaders the opportunity to learn the business of construction from industry experts and peers alike. The 2024 classes are now open as well. We are coming to Dallas in February and to Raleigh in April. Please contact Charlotte at for more information.

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