The 8-Point New Year Checklist for Contractors

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
8 minutes

We are only a few days from the close of one year and the beginning of another. How should you start off the new year? Is it just another work day? About what should you be thinking? What should you be doing NOW to get ready for 2025?

Please tune in this week as Wayne – sourced from his talented PCA consulting team – provides eight concrete things smart contractors will be doing now in order to hit the ground running in 2025. The first four items address the important people both inside and outside your company. The next three address reviewing, planning, and solidifying the thinking and behaviors necessary for success in 2025 and beyond. And the final item is about your personal health and well-being. What are your thoughts? What did we leave out? How would you improve this checklist? Please share with us in the comments.

Invest in training your future leaders today so you can enjoy your retirement tomorrow. Prepare them to take on the challenges that they will face in running a successful construction business. Enroll them in PCA’s one-of-a-kind leadership development program, The Contractor Business Boot Camp, where they will get an opportunity to learn the key skills needed for running a business from industry experts and peers alike. The first class of 2025 will start in March in Dallas, TX. Please contact Charlotte at to find out more.

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