The Power of Vision

You have heard Dennis and Wayne talk about leadership in their blogs many times. After over 20 years of working with construction executives and developing strategic plans, what kind of leadership observation would knock Dennis for a loop?
Watch Digging Deeper this week as Dennis shares an example of a contractor truly thinking outside the box. We’d love to hear what you think about Dennis’ observation and the kind of leaders you’re building. Please share with us in the comments. Thank you!
Don’t forget about The Contractor Business Boot Camp. We are down to the last five seats for Denver class. Don’t miss out! Act now to secure a seat for your NextGen leaders for the classes starting March 24 in Raleigh, NC and April 27 in Denver, CO. Please contact Charlotte at to find out more about the program.
Good morning, everybody, Dennis Engelbrecht, Digging Deeper.
Today I want to talk about an experience I had last week during strategic planning, and gosh, I've probably done strategic
planning with 50 companies. And in that I've probably had 15, 20 people as an average audience in there. And I heard
something just absolutely brilliant last week for the first time that I wanted to share with everybody.
So, what we frequently do in strategic planning is I ask everybody to sort of formulate their own personal vision for the
company, to paint the picture of the kind of company they want to work in. So, as we were going around last week and
listening to everybody's personal vision, one of the mid-level managers, a superintendent, said this, he said, "My vision is
for a company that will build leaders who can then lead teams to positive outcomes."
And that just blew me away. All of my time of doing this, I never heard somebody put something so profound, so succinctly,
build an organization that will build leaders. And then those leaders of course will get positive outcomes for their projects,
a great culture. Really, if you had a team of great leaders, an unlimited growth potential. Just think about that. If you are
an organization that builds leaders, you have no limits to the growth and even the quality of experience and everything
that you can deliver. It's sort of an unlimited vision, if you will, the vision of building leaders who will then lead teams to
positive outcomes.
So just think about it. What if you, as an overall leader or a leader of your part of the organization, focused on that single
goal of building leaders, and of course, to do that, you got to get time and resources devoted to that task. And we certainly
know, at least I know, from witnessing all of these organizations, that training is really the most highly valued yet under
implemented piece of strategy in companies. We're just too busy most of the time to do it. So, think about that. Being an
organization that builds leaders, of course, you got to take the time and resources to get that done, but if you could
accomplish that, all of the other goals and visions you might have for your company are likely to just fall in place.
So again, think about that as your vision, as building leaders. Dennis Engelbrecht, Digging Deeper. Thanks for tuning in.