The Role of a CFO in Construction Industry

Torch and Box
By Performance Construction Advisors
12 minutes

The construction industry is full of companies that start small with a bookkeeper. They grow a bit, and the bookkeeper gets promoted to controller. Then the firm really takes off, and the controller, the very same human being who 10 years earlier was a humble bookkeeper, is now a CFO. This is a very normal progression in the industry, but is it a good thing? What should a true CFO really be doing? What should senior leaders reasonably expect from someone in their employ with the title of CFO?

Please tune in this week as Travis Hendrick asks three common questions we hear from members and offers the six components true CFOs should be delivering. What’s your experience? When you made the strategic move to hiring a true CFO, what benefits did you experience? Please share with us in the comments.

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