The Seductiveness of “NO”

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
11 minute

A distressed contractor called us with a sticky situation: he and his business partner were deadlocked over an issue, and every time he went to him with a pathway beyond deadlock, the partner replied, “NO!” Why are there so many people in organizations who reflexively default to “NO?” More importantly, what are your alternatives if you’re constantly running headlong into that brick wall?

Please tune in this week as Wayne analyzes why “NO” is the go-to answer in so many construction companies, defines “entropy” in a business sense, details why “NO” is so costly over time, and offers five alternatives for getting beyond “NO.” What works for you when you’re deadlocked? How do you push forward and turn “NO” into at least “MAYBE?” Please share with us in the comments.

We are already booking seats for the next Contractor Business Boot Camp scheduled for Feb. 9-10, 2023 in Raleigh. Space is limited; go ahead and enroll your high potential people for this one-of-a-kind education experience. Contact Charlotte at for more information.

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