“The Way of The Warrior Sailor”

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
8 minutes

“The Way of the Warrior Sailor” is a the title of a YouTube video which came to my attention. It features the commander of the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, Chris “Chowdah” Hill. In it, he talks about the three (only three!) conditions necessary to create success on his megaship. Consider the magnitude of Hill’s endeavor: In business terms, he is responsible for a $5 billion asset with over 6000 employees. Furthermore, he didn’t get to select any of his team. The Navy assigned them to him, and he had no say in the matter at all. Can making this work well be possible with only three conditions for success?

Please tune in this week as Wayne divulges Hill’s three conditions. Two may not surprise you, but the third one definitely will – especially when you hear it from a military person versus a private sector businessperson. What do you think of Hill’s three conditions? Can it really be this simple? Please share your comments with us via email at: wrivers@performanceconstruction.com.

The first Contractor Business Boot Camp class of 2025 starts in less than two months. This is the time to invest in your rising nextgen leaders and secure your legacy. Give them the opportunity to learn the skills they will need to run a successful construction business from industry experts and peers alike. The class starts in March in Dallas. Please contact Charlotte at ckopp3@performanceconstruction.com to learn more. 

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