What Is Knowledge Transfer?

Knowledge Transfer? Is this some sort of AI-fueled new technology? Not at all; in spite of the lofty name, Knowledge Transfer (KT) refers to a process in which seasoned veterans share their skills, information, experience, and ideas with a company’s less-experienced workforce. All contractors use either formal or informal methods of KT to train up newer employees or rising leaders.
This week, Wayne is thrilled to discuss KT based on a terrific blog post by one of our members, Brian King of A.M. King in Charlotte, NC. Brian’s article was so good and well-considered that Wayne thought it well worth our other members’ attention. What KT practices have worked well for you? Not so well? Please share your comments with us via email at: wrivers@performanceconstruction.com. And be sure to congratulate Brian on his excellent article!
We are down to the last few seats for upcoming class of The Contractor Business Boot Camp. If you haven't yet enrolled your rising leaders to this one-of-a-kind leadership development program, do it NOW. This is the best investment you will make towards their leadership future. The class will take place in Dallas, TX, from March 12-13. Contact Charlotte at ckopp3@performanceconstruction.com to find out more.
Please come back later for the transcript.