What's Your Social Media Footprint?

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
6 minutes

During the pandemic, construction leaders needed new, innovative ways to communicate with their teams which were, for the first time, remote. Several members approached us about using video messaging, how it might work, and what applications were appropriate. For some, this was the beginning of creating their social media footprint.

Contractors who successfully use social media have found that it can humanize their brands and establish trust and relatability with customers, trade partners, and even employees.

Please tune in this week as Wayne offers his top do and don’t recommendations for utilizing social media effectively. What has your experience been? Does social media pay off for you? If so, where have you seen your best results? Please share with us in the comments.

The last Contractor Business Boot Camp class of 2024 starts on Oct 24-25 in Raleigh, NC. If you haven’t yet enrolled your rising high-potential leaders to this one-of-a-kind career development program, do it NOW. This is the best investment you will make towards their leadership career. Contact Charlotte today at ckopp3@performanceconstruction.com to find out more.

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