Why EVERY CEO Needs a Peer Group

Wayne Rivers
By Wayne Rivers
7 minute

Stanford Business School says that two-thirds of CEOs get ZERO outside leadership advice! Can you believe that? Those who do seek assistance usually hire consultants, read books, or attend industry gatherings. But there are at least 10 ways that peers can deliver value that traditional advisors cannot.

Tune in this week as Wayne reviews Leon Shapiro’s 2016 book The Power of Peers, shares the ten key benefits of peer interaction, recommends a few peer group resources, and offers his personal experience from long term peer group membership. What has your experience been? Please share your thinking with us in the comments.

One of the best ways to attract and retain talented young people is to invest in their career advancement and education. The Contractor Business Boot Camp has classes starting soon in Dallas, Denver, Toronto, and Raleigh. Please contact Charlotte at ckopp@familybusinessinstitute.com for more information.

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